2022-04-21 10:40:19来源:神奇的程序员
export class AppDto { @ApiProperty({ example: "2022年4月20日修改", description: "备注" }) @IsString() @IsArray() @ValidateNested({ each: true }) @Type(() => TextObjDto) public text!: string | Array; }
export class TextObjDto { @ApiProperty({ example: "修复了一些bug", description: "内容" }) @IsString() content!: string; @ApiProperty({ example: "2022-04-20 07:52", description: "创建时间" }) @IsString() createTime?: string; @ApiProperty({ example: true, description: "是否为新功能标识" }) @IsBoolean() mark?: boolean;}
注意:嵌套类型的对象验证需要使用@ValidateNested和@Type注解, @Type接受一个回调函数,函数内部需要返回一个用class声明的dto类。
export class AppDto { @ApiProperty({ example: "2022年4月20日修改", description: "备注" }) @IsOptional() @Transform(({ value }) => checkTitleKey(value)) public text!: string | Array;}
如果校验通过直接返回value参数即可如果校验不通过直接使用nest内置异常进行抛出即可export function checkTitleKey( value: string | number | Array| undefined | null): any { if (typeof value === "string") { // 不做更改,直接返回 return value; } else if (value instanceof Array) { // 不能为空数组 if (value.length <= 0) { throw new BadRequestException( "property text cannot be an empty array", "Bad Request" ); } for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { // 校验数组中的对象字段 const objKeys = Object.keys(value[i]); if (objKeys.length <= 0) { throw new BadRequestException( "property text contains empty objects", "Bad Request" ); } // 必须包含content字段 if (!objKeys.includes("content")) { throw new BadRequestException( "property text objects in the array must contain "content"", "Bad Request" ); } // 对每个key进行校验 for (let j = 0; j < objKeys.length; j++) { switch (objKeys[j]) { case "content": // content字段必须为string类型 if (typeof value[i].content !== "string") { throw new BadRequestException( "property text "content" of the objects in the array must be of type string", "Bad Request" ); } break; case "duration": if (typeof value[i].createTime !== "string") { throw new BadRequestException( "property text "createTime" of the objects in the array must be of type number", "Bad Request" ); } break; case "delay": if (typeof value[i].mark !== "boolean") { throw new BadRequestException( "property text "mark" of the objects in the array must be of type number", "Bad Request" ); } break; default: break; } } } return value; } else { throw new BadRequestException( "text must be an array or string", "Bad Request" ); }}
全部变为可选参数,参数的必传与否已经在校验函数中处理了类型全部变为anyexport type TextObjType = { content?: any; createTime?: any; mark?: any;};
# text字段为string类型{ "id":"122211", "title":"新的标题", "text":"新替换的文本内容", "name":"新的名字", "config":"var config = {\"name\":\"aa\",\"age\":\"21\",\"title\":\"标题测试\"}"}>>> 接口调用成功# text字段为Array类型所有key都存在{ "id":"122211", "title":"新的标题", "text":[{"content":"新文本","createTime":"2022-04-20","mark":false}], "name":"新的名字", "config":"var config = {\"name\":\"aa\",\"age\":\"21\",\"title\":\"标题测试\"}"}>>> 接口调用成功# text字段缺少content{ "id":"122211", "title":"新的标题", "text":[{"createTime":"2022-04-20","mark":false}], "name":"新的名字", "config":"var config = {\"name\":\"aa\",\"age\":\"21\",\"title\":\"标题测试\"}"}>>> 接口报错400:property text objects in the array must contain "content"# text字段为number类型{ "id":"122211", "title":"新的标题", "text":19, "name":"新的名字", "config":"var config = {\"name\":\"aa\",\"age\":\"21\",\"title\":\"标题测试\"}"}>>> 接口报错400:text must be an array or string# text字段缺少createTime与mark{ "id":"122211", "title":"新的标题", "text":[{"content":"新文本"}], "name":"新的名字", "config":"var config = {\"name\":\"aa\",\"age\":\"21\",\"title\":\"标题测试\"}"}>>> 接口调用成功